
Told You So

noun: gut; plural noun: guts
the stomach or belly.

the lower alimentary canal or a part of this; the intestine.

the internal parts or essence of something.

2. used in reference to a feeling or reaction based on an instinctive emotional response

Today, I’m thinking about my gut. Not the delicious breakfast I am about to throw down into definition 1, but the crazy, scary, all too accurate gut of definition 2. It took me a long time to realize that my gut was actually on point. I would get a vibe, feeling, instinct (whatever you want to call it) when I would meet someone for the first time, and I would always ignore it. I would think – How can I possibly know that about this person if I don’t actually KNOW them? So, I would go about the business of the winding road of a relationship, whether intimate or otherwise, and eventually end up right back where I started – my gut feeling.

The only problem with ignoring it, for me, has been that it took me down some pretty hurtful roads. Recently, you know the road I traveled was particularly windy and disastrous, and yet I still marched forward, determined to prove my gut WRONG. That was the last time. After that, I made a pact with myself that I would follow my gut from there on out. Let me tell you, it has not disappointed me.

So, giving this gut thing a shot, I’ve been able to spot red flags, recognize bad vibes before they infiltrate my life, kick out bad energy and refuse to accept anything lackluster.

Now, we all have our paths… things that teach us necessary lessons, people who show us new things, remind us of old things and jobs and people that take us places we wouldn’t otherwise experience… and all of that – that is the preparation. It’s all necessary, usually difficult and sometimes fun, but necessary for us to arrive at moment X. When you’re ready, moment X will arise in your gut and scream at you, “HERE I AM!”

Trust your gut. If you don’t know how to hear it, just listen for the first thing that pops into your head when you meet someone. Is it bad/good? Does it make you feel lighter? Does it make you feel awkward? Are you covering things up, or putting it all out there? These are all the hints of your all too accurate gut. Be calm. Listen. Trust.